In the first part of the article, I had written:
Sense of Evidence + Idealization + Projection = Illusion.
But in fact, it should be written as follows to understand what is happening in order:
Step 1: Unmet emotional expectations in childhood with parents.
Step 2: Through repetition, a certain number of lines of code are formed (I am not enough, not complete, not lovable…)
Step 3: Opposing expectations are then formed (finding the right person with whom one would be fully accepted/loved)
Step 4: New programming is then reinforced and created based on your lived experiences in love (disappointments, betrayals, abandonments)
Gap of several decades of lived experience and reinforced programming.
Step 5: One day you meet the Runner.
Step 6: Sense of Evidence triggered by your unconscious (matching the lines of code from steps 1 to 4).
Step 7: Idealization of the Runner (who then becomes your savior, as he/she is the key to everything you have been searching for).
Step 8: Massive projection of your unmet past expectations onto this relationship.
Step 9: You then live in the illusion created by your lines of code/traumas/expectations from the past.
The sense of evidence is the spark that triggers everything else.
The sense of evidence is then the huge CLICK of an unconscious signaling that it has found what it was searching for. And it is this sense of evidence that then becomes the spark that triggers everything else, as the chaser takes it for a huge green light.
To summarize:
Past expectations >> meeting the Runner >> Sense of Evidence + Idealization + Projection of expectations = Illusion.
Here, one important thing needs to be specified:
What is the unconscious seeking exactly?
It is seeking to both reproduce situations from the past (especially those experienced with parents), as well as the famous “opposing expectations” from step 3. So, for example, if you have a line of code that says:
“When I have emotional needs, I seek out people who should fulfill them, but I am ignored every time.”
This means that:
The unconscious will want to repeat this situation,
But also experience the opposite situation,
Because both are programmed into the hard drive.
With this simple example, the unconscious then seeks to find someone who can fulfill your emotional needs but will also ignore them.
The unconscious seeks to fulfill both steps, which results in the encounter with the Runner. On one hand, you experience the conflictive situations from the past, but you also have the impression of having found the right person (honeymoon phase).
The problem is that you, as consciousness, only want to see the part “it’s the right person because of the sense of evidence and honeymoon phase”.
However, in reality, you need to take the entire package into account, that is, the entire real and complete dynamic of the journey to realize the reality.
It’s all about the past.
The projections of your expectations inevitably come from your past. Throughout your life, you develop certain desires for specific types of relationships. Idealization is also a traumatic response to avoid (among other things) seeing the negative aspects of oneself and others.
How do we know it’s true that it’s a relationship matching childhood codes?
Because in almost four years of coaching on Twin Flames, I’ve never heard anyone tell me they experienced this sense of evidence with their significant other at the age of 8 during their third-grade school year. 🤣🤣🤣
It’s always in adulthood, after living at least 18-20 years with these codes, that you eventually meet this person. In fact, among my clients, I’d say that the majority of Twin Flame encounters occur between the ages of 30 and 55.
Think about it for a moment…
According to the New Age Twin Flame theory, we should also be loaded with traumas from past lives.
So, if the source is fully geared for Twin Flame reunions, why waste time accumulating even more codes while waiting for adulthood when we haven’t finished purging past life traumas?
It’s the best way to accumulate more crap, LOL. Might as well start early, right? Honestly, in terms of efficiency, it’s the most logical.
Moreover, kids catch on super quickly. Have you seen how your kids handle technology when you struggle to use your smartphone?
Don’t worry, starting the job at 8 years old ensures that your Twin Flame journey will be completed by the time you’re 10!
But no… In a universe governed by the law of least effort, the Source has decided that for the Twin Flame journey, it would be governed by:
Why make it simple when you can make it extremely complicated? 🤓
Actually, the answer is quite simple.
It’s just that the explanations of the Twin Flame journey are completely skewed and full of fallacies because we try to continue believing what we want to believe regardless of all the evidence provided by relational dynamics.
It’s just that this whole Twin Flame journey is mainly due to the encounter of two unconscious minds forged by their experiences in this life.
When they meet, it matches due to each other’s traumas, end of story.
It’s with repetition and years that these programming will become reinforced. In other words, at 8 years old, you’re still “virgin” compared to an adult in terms of codes. And that’s why no “soul reconnection” happens at that age.
The Twin Flame relationship is a connection through the unconscious and traumas. Moreover, just look at both the extremely chaotic relational dynamics and the infinitesimal percentage of “reunited Twin Flames”.
Everything else is just a projection of what we would like to happen, but we never or hardly ever see it happen.
The key point of the article
The key point of the article is as follows: at the moment when this feeling of evidence or click appears in the presence of the other person, you will give tremendous credence both to the feeling itself and to the message it brings: the other is my other, for example.
Also, you will do exactly what Eckhart Tolle or the Buddhists advise against:
You will associate the intensity of the feeling with the message that comes with it, thinking you are doing the right thing, because you identify with your thought/emotion.
I always tell my clients:
The stronger a thought/emotion is, the more you tend to believe that the accompanying message is true and/or will happen.
This principle holds true for both positive and negative feelings.
Here’s a positive example: feeling of evidence, you are convinced that the other is your other, because you give credit to the feelings and the message. In fact, when you do this, you identify with the thought/emotions.
Here’s a negative example: you’re at a café, you see a beautiful girl, you want to approach her, and suddenly, intense fear rises within you, telling you, “If you approach her, she will reject you, and you will feel ashamed.” You give so much credit to this scenario of fear that you don’t move from your chair, convinced that it’s what will happen…
In both cases, you are living in the illusion generated by an automatic and mechanical thought of your ego mind that only reacts to an external stimulus based on past experience.
You are like a donkey shown a carrot and start moving forward.
In both cases, you are the puppet of an automatic thought, and the worst part is that you believe you are in control because you choose to act based on the message given to you by your unconscious.
In fact, in the end, you are the one in control because you can say “yes” or “no” to the intensity of a feeling. In the example of fear, if the person doesn’t move from their chair, it’s because the person has actually said:
“Yes, I believe in you, fear, I believe what you’re saying is true, and I believe it so strongly that I decide to do what you tell me: not to get up from my chair and not to take my chance.” And I believe strongly because I rely on the intensity of the feeling to make my decision.
That’s the choice we make but don’t want to acknowledge.
We don’t want to acknowledge that we have chosen to be afraid and to believe in the scenario told by fear, so we use the same old excuses to absolve ourselves of responsibility and explain that it’s not “us”.
But yes, yes, yes, and yes again, it’s us and no one else who made this choice.
In the end, you are just listening to automatic messages from past experiences that you take as “the way”. Worse yet, some take it as intuition, or communications from their soul.
I’m laughing out loud, really.
You haven’t had the chance to listen to your soul yet, my little father, because you are far too absorbed in the scenarios of the past replayed by your buddy, the ego.
If you had practiced emotional liberation:
In the positive case: you wouldn’t have those feelings of evidence anymore and would be free to appreciate this relationship with “your runner” for what it is. You could then assess whether the dynamic is nurturing, if you share common values, genuine interaction, respect, understanding, teamwork (or not).
You could then make an informed choice based on what you observe in this relationship.
In the negative case: you would get up and go talk to the girl to give her your number. You would then follow the natural desires of your soul and see if it works out with her or not.
So, when you rely on an intense thought/emotion and act according to it, in the vast majority of cases:
You are relying on a thought/emotion coming from a program from the past stored in your hard drive.
You are then relying on a final result that is proposed to you based on a past outcome, but which may have nothing to do with the true result you could have if you confronted the reality of the present.
That’s living in the illusion of the ego mind.
The FJ journey is practically all about that. Whether you like it or not.
(You experience a feeling of evidence, which is only the result of an automatic and mechanical reaction of the unconscious, reacting to a stimulus (content of the runner’s unconscious), all based on the code lines of your past).
So when we say “you live in the illusion of the ego mind”, it means that you are not really experiencing reality because you are making a decision based on past conditioning, which you apply to a present situation.
If we take the example of the girl at the café.
When you want to approach her, your fear tells you intensely that she will say “no and you will be embarrassed in front of everyone”.
The truth is this… If you approach her, several things could happen:
1 – She smiles and accepts your number and says she’ll call you.
2 – She says no and you feel embarrassed in front of everyone.
3 – She smiles and kindly tells you she’s already in a relationship.
4 – You start chatting and realize you have things in common.
5 – She doesn’t take your number, but gives you hers to call her.
6 – Etc… etc…
Out of the numerous possible scenarios, your ego mind will only see the one that corresponds to a program from the past.
Yes, read that sentence again…
And that’s where you live in the illusion because it only makes you envision one possible outcome, when there could be many. If you tried, you would REALLY know which of the 5 scenarios above you would experience.
Except that you will never know, because you are convinced that you already know what will happen…
You are convinced of something you know nothing about and that you dare not even experiment with because you assume you already know, when in fact:
In fact, in the moment, you are convinced you are right, and on one level, you are, because when fear takes over, you relive a past situation. So, you are certain it’s true, and this certainty is real because it comes from a past experience that you project onto the present situation without even realizing it.
In short, you are experiencing the truth in the moment of a past program of the ego mind 🙃
In short, you are living in the moment, the truth of an archive of your past.
And why do you believe it so strongly? Because your only gauge that you take into account to give credit to fear is the intensity of the feeling:
The stronger a thought/emotion is, the more you tend to believe that the message that comes with it is true and/or will happen.
So, it’s all about your selection criterion: the intensity of a feeling.
The stronger it is, the more you take into account.
The weaker it is, the less you take into account.
When you understand that, you understand how much you’re lost in your FJ journey. Because in the FJ journey, it’s exactly the same, but with positive feelings (at least initially).
Let’s revisit the basic equation: Feeling of Evidence + Idealization + Projection = Illusion.
Idealization is a protective system in psychology. It allows (among other things) to create an idealized image that provides a sense of security and satisfaction. This idealized image of the person can be used to fulfill an emotional need or to maintain a positive self-esteem.
It also serves to defend against negative emotions such as sadness, anger, or disappointment. By focusing only on the positive aspects of a person or concept, the individual can avoid facing difficult emotions associated with reality.
For example, a person who has been disappointed several times in their romantic relationships may idealize a new partner to protect themselves from the fear of being hurt again. By projecting perfect qualities onto this partner, they can minimize doubts or uncertainties that could cause anxiety.
Idealization as a defense mechanism is problematic in the long run. It creates a distortion of reality and prevents the individual from developing a realistic view of others and themselves. This can lead to unsatisfying relationships and difficulty coping with real-life challenges.
So here, idealization will be perceived as positive, therefore unchallenged, and above all, of such strong intensity that one is convinced that what one feels/sees in the other is true, when once again, one is largely deceiving oneself.
Still doubting?
What do the results of your relational dynamics say already?
Wait, are you passing under a bridge? Hello? Damn, no signal!! 🤣
As I often say:
The answers you seek are found in the results of your relational dynamics.
Projection of Expectations:
Next comes the fact that the chaser will project their expectations onto this relationship.
Understand here: imagining being able to finally experience everything they would have liked to experience in a relationship in terms of emotional needs, fantasies, the type of relational dynamic, and so on.
Everything they have wanted and fantasized/imagined, they believe they can finally experience with this person because THEY are the right person, and the feeling of evidence is proof of that.
But this is the positive equivalent of the fear with the girl at the café.
These are still expectations (lines of code) from the past that we think we can finally live in the future with the right person. So, we enter into illusion because we only see this possibility (whether it’s an ultra-fused friendship with the runner or a couple), and we don’t see the manipulations, lies, betrayal, the fact that the runner knew from the start that they wouldn’t go into this relationship (practically all the Runners I’ve had in sessions tell me this), and so on.
So when you take what the runners say and look at the results of the relational dynamic, there’s nothing inconsistent; on the contrary, everything becomes clear 🙃
The chaser is like a horse with blinders, convinced that the other is their other, because they trust their feeling of evidence so much, which becomes the answer to everything they’ve always sought. They forget to see everything else.
In fact, the unhealed Chaser is still being driven by a root line of code that basically says:
As I am, I am incomplete; I could only be myself in the presence of said right person.
Since there’s this line of code that “drives everything,” then we must find the answer to this line of code: the person with whom we will feel complete. Except that, since there are all sorts of other contradictory lines of code as well, coming from a chaotic emotional past, we will then have… what we have: a chaotic relational dynamic.
So when we come across the internet (in the period when FJ troubles begin and not before), we will then stumble upon the FJ narrative that tells us what we want to hear, and it will resonate strongly with us because we’re already sure that the other is our other, and how do we know it’s true? Because we rely so heavily on the intensity of the felt evidence experienced.
We are then told that everything we’re experiencing is normal because it’s part of the divine plan, and if we felt incomplete our whole lives, it’s because we were missing the other half of our soul. So in their presence, we are finally complete.
But we are told that separation is inevitable so that we can be complete by ourselves (remember that you felt incomplete because you were missing the other half of your soul…) and that once the work is done (condition), then you can experience the unconditional love of the Ô Twin Flame.
So I allowed myself to channel the souls of Einstein, Edison, Tesla to ask them how to make 1 soul out of 0.5 souls. Well, it’s been 3 years and I still don’t have the answer.
In my opinion, it’s a math problem that even the Source won’t be able to solve. 🤣🤣🤣
But hey, as they say in the FJ journey: Keep the faith, be patient, it’s a long journey. 😛
- It’s long because you don’t really want to do your work on yourself.
- It’s long because you use bogus techniques once in a blue moon so you think you’re working on yourself.
- It’s long because you want to stay hidden in your FJ bullshit because it promises you your Holy Grail.
- It’s long because you have a fucking line of code that says:
Daring to be yourself = death.
Line of code verified in 100% of the cases of chasers I’ve had on the phone and with whom I’ve delved into this theme, and which once again comes from childhood conditioning. Also, to be yourself:
You need said right person with whom you will allow yourself to finally be yourself because you will feel accompanied, loved, supported…
Welcome to Dependence Land 😆
I invite you to read the article on reverse projection. And the article “At what point do you know you have healed from your FJ journey” to delve deeper into the understanding of this relational dynamic.
To go further :
- You can find us on instagram here.
- You can book a session here.
- I invite you to read my introduction on the why of this blog
- Original post on my french blog here.
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