twin flame healing journey
Twin Flame : the blog to Heal from your journey

Twin Flame : the blog to Heal from your journey

Welcome to Change Your Perception. A blog with an alternative discourse and a touch of humor to heal from your twin flame journey. If you’re at the stage of wanting to progress in your healing process and reach completeness, you’re in the right place.

Why this blog about twin flame?

twin flame healing journey

When I started this blog in France in February 2019 (, it was with the idea of ​​creating a personal development blog to help as many people as possible.

I had set out with this intention before “discovering” myself as “twin flame” and meeting that famous person from whom this “spiritual connection” flowed, which everyone talks about with so much enthusiasm.

A journey primarily psycho-emotional rather than spiritual

I then entered what I call the “twin flame bubble” and decided to temporarily give a different turn to this blog by first writing articles on the different aspects of this twin flame journey.

The approach is, as you will see, different, with a direct tone, a touch of humor, based on authenticity, facts, pragmatism, and analytics, taking as a basis the hundreds and hundreds of chasers and runners studied in Cognitive Consulting.

In fact, the journey is primarily psycho-emotional more than anything else, much to the dismay of fervent defenders of spirituality and denial of reality and energetic phenomena present during this relational dynamic.

As I have noticed after more than 12 years of presence in the world of personal development and spirituality (with over 6,000 coaching sessions under my belt), avoidance techniques in self-work are numerous, even in themes advocating spiritual awakening and self-realization.

The key problem of the twin flame narrative

twin flame - healing journey

Denial of reality is one of the key problems of the twin flame discourse, and this is what you will gradually discover through the various articles. This does not detract from the energetic phenomena of the journey, which, by the way, are also experienced in other types of relationships…

As a result, the discourse as it is told avoids a number of things.

For example, the methods and tools for self-work are avoided, even though the discourse advocates self-work. That’s why, apart from on this blog and a few others, you won’t find anything to do your own self-work.

In the end, the discourse self-erects into spirituality, using spiritual semantics. When in fact, it is mostly an egotistic discourse.Egotistical in the sense: a discourse that activates or awakens mental ego programming.

Examples of key problems in the twin flame discourse :

  • We will talk about unconditional love, which allows to mask an almost “unconditional” emotional dependence.
  • Working on oneself without offering free tools for everyone to progress.
  • Unconditional love that will be possible to experience conditionally on self-work.

The twin flame discourse will then remain in a vague and inaccessible spirituality, as it almost exclusively belongs to the world of belief and conviction and is too little based on facts.

But what about in everyday reality?

What will you find on this blog about twin flames?

  • Fundamental truths about the twin flame journey.

Indeed, what you will read on the blog comes from the analysis of hundreds of Chaser/Runner coachings conducted for nearly 4 years. So some truths may be unpleasant, as they are much more raw and psychological than focused on “soul connection” or energy fusion or spiritual connection.

In fact, many of these terms give a nice stylistic effect and elevate the discourse to the rank of spirituality, but mainly serve to mask the undesirable: these unpleasant truths, such as the statistics of “twin flame reunion,” for example.

  • Practical exercises to heal and achieve balance.

You will find in the emotional liberation section practical exercises designed specifically to allow you to progress on the path of self-realization. This will give you a boost to move forward on your twin flame journey and especially to get out of it. You can also take Cognitive Consulting sessions to accelerate your healing process.

  • Key information from the Runners themselves

What you will read in these articles comes from both my analysis and directly from the mouths of the so-called “Runners” or “Chasers.” In fact, many truths about the twin flame journey are brushed aside, masked, or diverted, because, as they say: the truth often hurts the eyes.

A turning point in your healing is when you start to consider another perspective on this journey, another perception of things. One of the first things to do is to revisit the twin flame narrative and see things from a factual perspective, because this spiritualized and romanticized narrative simply tells you what you want to hear.

Except that as Mulder would say, “the truth is out there.”

So one of the first things to do is to detach yourself from the attachment you have to the twin flame narrative, as it is one of the first blocks to healing.

And yes… You will understand all of this over the course of the articles, of course. In fact, the holy grail is on the other side of what you already believe.

The healing axis of the twin flame journey

As long as we adhere to this discourse, we miss the target by a long shot. The idea is to return to oneself. To look at one’s mental programming at play through this relational dynamic. And then to release the emotional burdens.

This is how we heal little by little from our own sick psyche. However, there is a catch. Since all of this is experienced as normal, who will question what seems true to them? For example :

Your desire to have communication with your “other.” This seems normal to you and not a trauma or emotional blockage.

Yet it is. By dissecting things, you will see that the motivational source of this desire is fear. Namely, the fear of death and non-existence… So to avoid non-existence, your egoic mind pushes you to want this healthy communication with your other.

In Cognitive Consulting, this is confirmed in 100% of cases of “chasers” where the topic is addressed.

Links to help you heal from your twin flame journey :

twin flame mentoring & coaching

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